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Making a comeback! |
My inner macho man tells me, "Quit whining. Step 1) Get hydrated and sit in the sun daily. Step 2) Rest ankle. Step 3) Re-purpose ailing communities." But then my inner super-macho says, "Psst! You don't have an inner 'macho man'. Don't stop for water-- bananas are 78% water. Run through the pain--it's weakness leaving the body. Hurry up and fix Detroit and Cincinnati."
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Cooped-up, man! |
Tuesday was gorgeous! I was feeling somewhat tight and sore after running mile one. Mile two felt really good and I thought "Hey, I think I could pick up the pace." Mile three was where it went south-- I pivoted on a left turn and re-twisted my ligaments just enough to electrify my whole left leg with pain.
My man, Eric Oliver, the handsome-haired physical therapist, examined it and hasn't ruled out fracture...which means I have to decide if I want to visit an orthopedist and submit to their program and/or afford their x-rays. So far, both answers point to hell-to-the-no.
The good news is that I feel like it's the exact time of year to really become a cyclist. A lot of experts say you should devout a fraction of the year to mastering one of the disciplines of triathlon. Spending lots more time on the bike will allow my ankle to actively heal. I also believe cycling endurance is the key to a good Ironman. The largest fraction of the race (~50%) is spent pedaling. If you pedal well you can eat and digest well. Furthermore, without cycling endurance (and without smooth digestion), there is zero chance of running well.
On Saturday, I met up with some friends for a nice 30 mile ride of coldness, climbs, and conversation. It felt really nice and relaxing getting back into it. So after we parted ways, I decided to go for another 30. It felt easy too, especially considering I haven't done any long distance stuff since last year. All the high-intensity work must be paying off. Sunday's workout was spent just doing strength stuff and Pilates Reformer stuff in the Studio. Then, On Monday, since I got wait-listed for the ever-popular Monday night Spinning, I had extra time to ride 15 hill repeats outside on Alpine Terrace before Pilates. That monster hill has always been a good go-to route to simulate some mountain climbs. It's almost exactly a one mile loop with ~13% grade up and mostly traffic free. Not bad for a Monday evening. (Last year, with no events on my calendar, my proudest moment was the day I huffed up that hill 25 times in August smelt. So, that's become a useful benchmark for gauging how I should feel when I have good cycling legs).
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These kids totally dance as tough and as Egyptian as they look! |
I lost the dance off by a half point. It was an epic Cinderella
story of how a #11 seed toppled the #1 seed.